Allergy Testing

An Alternate Therapeutic Therapy

Rosewood offers a wide range of Complementary Therapies. We have been doing these Therapies for nearly 30 years.  We Offer Reflexology, Reiki, Hopi Ear Candling, and more.

Food Allergy/Intolerance Testing

Allergy/Intolerance Testing plus Foot Reading

Mineral & Vitamin Testing

Food Allergy/Intolerance Testing

Kinesiology dowsing – This treatment has been practised in our practice for  nearly 30 years. It is such an accurate test. It tests over 300 foods. It is a great healer for the gut health and  digestive system.

£65 (30 minutes)

Allergy/Intolerance Testing plus Foot Reading

£100 (60 minutes)

Mineral & Vitamin Testing

Don’t take vitamins and minerals that your body doesn’t need. This only puts your liver under stress. A test worth getting in order to keep your immune system healthy.

£50 (30 minutes)

Food Allergy/Intolerance Testing

Food Allergy/Intolerance Testing

Kinesiology dowsing – This treatment has been practised in our practice for  nearly 30 years. It is such an accurate test. It tests over 300 foods. It is a great healer for the gut health and  digestive system.

£65 (30 minutes)

Allergy/Intolerance Testing plus Foot Reading

Allergy/Intolerance Testing plus Foot Reading

£100 (60 minutes)

Mineral & Vitamin Testing

Mineral & Vitamin Testing

Don’t take vitamins and minerals that your body doesn’t need. This only puts your liver under stress. A test worth getting in order to keep your immune system healthy.

£50 (30 minutes)